Our teams are made up of a diverse group of amazing people who care about the land, soil, and produce we grow.

Meet the Team

  • Alejandro Garcia

    Founder and Produce Wizard

    Alejandro, oversees all aspects of our growers, leads our farm teams, and all aspects of quality control at all our farms. Reach out at agarcia@freshcentral.com or drop him a line: +1 (956) 566-9124.

  • Ramon Gonzalez

    Farm Director

    Ramon owns operates and heads up most of our farms that grow our produce. He works with Alejandro to deliver and execute our fresh market and contracted crops. Ramon does have a cell and email but not when he’s in the fields.

  • Euri Alarcon Radilla

    Mexico Team Support

    Euri, coordinates all aspects of our Mexican admin and grower support, while working with our warehouse and logistics teams. You can reach her at at earadilla@freshcentral.com or drop her a line at +1 (956) 877-5422.

  • Ricardo Islas

    Food Safety Consultant

    Ricardo, from Agro Food Safety oversees all of our food safety/technology as well as conducts audits on all of our farms. Reach out to Ricardo at opsteam@freshcentral.com, or drop him a line at +1 (520) 449-7398 .

Our teams in action